3 - Communication

PVSchools email is the main tool used to communicate with your teacher.  You are expected to check your PVSchools email every day for messages.  Just like your teacher who is required to answer your email within 24 hours, you should do the same.

If you have a question, don't be shy... ASK!  You have a  teacher who has experience working with online students. Even if your teacher does not see you face-to-face, you are the main priority.

You can reach your teacher several ways:

  • Email - send an email any time of the day and your teacher will respond within 24 hours (during the week)
  • Chat or video-conference with your teacher from your computer
  • Phone or Video Phone (All PVOnline labs at the schools have a Video Phone.)
  • In person - make an appointment to visit your teacher at the PVOnline School 
Tips for Successful Communication in PVOnline:

  • Check your school email every day. 
  • Read messages from your teacher thoroughly and respond promptly.
  • When sending an email, put a phrase in the subject line that is specific, for example: "English 8 Research Paper Question"
  • Keep PVSchools email open when you are doing course work. If your teacher is online, you can easily send a chat if you have a question or need help.
  • Be specific in your questions. Tell your teacher specific information about the problem--unit and section numbers and title of the assignment, if possible. State clearly what you need help with, and make sure you read the materials and instructions carefully beforehand.
  • Use correct grammar and mechanics.
  • Be respectful in tone and language.
  • Check the gradebook regularly for scores and teacher feedback.
  • Ask for extra assistance when needed. Do not wait until the last moment.